- Microbial strains
- Microorganisms cryo-preservation
- Dehydrated culture media
- Ready to use culture media
- Rapid microbiology
- Microbial identification
- Susceptibility discs
Sterilization indicators
Sterilization indicators
- Biological indicators
- Steam sterilization biological indicators
- Ehtylene Oxide sterilization biological indicators
- Hydrogen peroxide sterilization biological indicators
- Dry Heat sterilization biological indicators
- Irradiation sterilization biological indicators
- Chlorine dioxide sterilization biological indicators
- Formaldehyde sterilization biological indicators
- Culture broth for biological indicators
- Dry incubators for biological indicators
- Chemical and process indicators
- Steam sterilization chemical indicators
- Ehtylene Oxide sterilization chemical indicators
- Hydrogen peroxide and ozone sterilization chemical indicators
- Dry Heat and depyrogenation sterilization chemical indicators
- Irradiation and UV sterilization chemical indicators
- Formaldehyde sterilization chemical indicators
- Sterilization pouches for Steam and EtO
- Biological indicators
- Bacterial Endotoxin Test
Cleaning validation
Products for Cleaning validation
- Swabs for environmental sampling
- Environmental sampling sponges and wipes
- Surface sampling square template
- Salmonella poultry boot swab kits
- Ready-to-use media for environmental sampling
- Rapid kits for microorganism research
- Bioluminometer for hygiene control
- Pro-Check Protein detection kits
- Kits for food allergen and meat speciation on surfaces
- Cleaning wipers
Food Allergens and meat
Kits for food allergen detection and meat speciation
- Peanut in foods and surfaces
- Gluten in foods and surfaces
- Milk in foods and surfaces
- Almond in foods and surfaces
- Fish and seafood in foods and surfaces
- Mustard in foods and surfaces
- Sesame in foods and surfaces
- Soy in foods and surfaces
- Egg in foods and surfaces
- Other allergens in foods and surfaces
- Species identification in foods and surfaces
- Equipment for ELISA test
- Antibiotic residues and mycotoxins
- Filtration
- Plasticware
- Instruments
- Offerte Promo
Peanut in foods and surfaces
Range of tests for the detection of peanut allergens on surfaces or in solid/liquid matrices.
The tests are of two types:
Rapid enzyme immunoassays, lateral flow: qualitative determination of allergens, results in a few minutes,
ELISA test: Quantitative determination of allergens, reading via ELISA reader.
Enzyme immunoassays, lateral flow
Qualitative determination of allergens, results in a few minutes, visual reading.
The rapid tests are designed to allow food business operators to reliably detect adulteration and cross-contact with allergens in a variety of food products and work surfaces.
The testing procedure is very simple and generally involves three phases:
1) Extraction of the allergen, obtained by mixing the sample with the extraction solution.
2) Dilution, from which the sample to be tested on the rapid test is obtained.
3) Reading of the result that occurs with the appearance of certain bands on the rapid test.
ELISA test
Quantitative determination of allergens, reading via ELISA reader.
The ELISA test is considered the “gold standard” method for supporting labeling regulations and industry standards. For example, in Europe, there are 14 allergens that must be labeled or indicated as being present in foods (Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011, Annex II); while in the USA there are 8 (FDA Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004).
To determine whether allergens and their products are still present, you can use these highly sensitive and robust tests.